Our mission is to offer travellers an up to date shopping experience. A dynamic combination of international top level brands and value for money quality offerings in several categories.
Norwegian trading group
Airport Retail Group (ARG) is a norwegian group, established in 2005 in connection with the takeover of SAS Trading. ARG has since developed from a small company to a group of 60 retail concepts and shops. We operate in 9 countries and run shops and concepts at 17 airports. We also run several high profiled shops at Steen&Strøm in Oslo.
Strong financial results
In 2021, the group had a total turnover of over 2 billion and an EBITDA of approx. NOK 100 million. ARG is 100% owned by Jotunfjell Partners AS (JFP) which is a Norwegian-based investment company which, in addition to owning ARG, also owns retail chains Vita, Gullfunn, Elite Foto and Enklere Liv..
Trusted partner
ARG works with strong Norwegian and international partners for the delivery of both goods and services. In addition, ARG collaborates with a wide range of well known international brands. We both develop and operate retail solutions for several of these.
Organized and flexible
ARG uses professional service providers for store development, marketing materials and development of IT infrastructure and systems. ARG has a flat organization with low overhead. This provides short decision-making paths and rapid change ability. We give our local managers a high degree of decision-making rights, which in our opinion contributes to more market-oriented and efficient store operations.
ESG ARG – environmentally responsible
We shall continuously work on measures to reduce the environmental impact. It concerns how we operate our stores, which products and environmental choices we make and how we facilitate good environmental choices for our customers.
We require ourselves, our stores, suppliers and partners to take environmental responsibility. It should appear that ARG is an environmental company.
Airport Retail Norway AS is a member of Grønt Punkt Norge and pays environmental tax based on quarterly reporting of all packaging.
With reference to the UN's sustainability goals, ARG is particularly keen to contribute in the following areas:
12.5) By 2030, significantly reduce the amount of waste through prevention, reduction, material recycling and reuse, and
13.3) Strengthen the ability of individuals and institutions to counteract, adapt to and reduce the consequences of climate change and their ability to provide early warning, as well as strengthen knowledge and awareness of this.
ARG emphasizes health, environmental and safety issues, and has therefore adopted the following working environment strategy and environmental strategy:
In ARG we will:
• Create a safe working environment that meets ARG's strategy as well as laws and regulations
• Adapt the work in such a way that the employee can function optimally
• Contribute to the airport achieving its targets for climate and the rural environment.
This shall be achieved by:
• Working environment work is carried out at all levels and within all units. An increased environmental awareness can thus be created throughout the organisation
• The working environment is a managerial responsibility and within all units there are goals and action plans that are to be preventive and provide a safe working environment
• Annual working environment surveys are carried out.